In the USA and in Europe, A3 Communications has been instrumental in building our brand awareness from scratch. The team’s approach to ensuring that PR is closely aligned to sales at all times, has allowed us to focus on messages and activities that really move the needle. After a fantastic global launch, A3 Communications continues to be proactive and creative, and to bring opportunities to the table that give us regular exposure worldwide.
Scality has depended on A3 Communications as our PR partner for years across multiple countries and geographies. A3 brings together the exact combination of industry knowledge, connections and enthusiasm that we need to make Scality visible as a leader to our customers, prospects and partners.
A3 Communications’ public relations strategy, counsel and tactical execution have significantly raised the quality of our European programmes over the past four years. Their deep knowledge of the storage and virtualization industries have increased Spectra’s brand awareness across the region and delivered measurable results that tie into our greater marketing initiatives. A3’s ability to keep Spectra Logic in front of the right influencers, combined with our team’s superior ability to “translate” and place highly technical concepts into creative, compelling industry articles have been two of the greatest benefits we’ve realized from the partnership to date.