The business life of any professional in the communications industry can be manic and desk-heavy, with inboxes that never seem to empty. To counteract this, many of us embrace a hobby that can focus the mind or relax the body – gaming, cooking, jogging, yoga… Yoga in particular can bring a sense of calm to a busy day, soothe an achy back, and re-energize our bodies. So what can we borrow from yoga to improve the results of our PR work?
1. Warrior one
This classic yoga pose is essentially a power pose. It is all about confidence and taking up space. This is exactly what we aim to do in PR: there is no room for a shy press release or a half-hearted pitch. We want our news to stand out, to make no excuses, and to take its position in the industry with confidence.
2. Humble warrior
With the above said, there is a difference between confidence and arrogance, and this is where the yoga humble warrior comes in. So in communications, don’t call yourself a “leader” if you can’t back this claim up with independent facts.
3. Forward fold
Flexibility is one of the most important qualities for both yogis and PR practitioners. It can allow you to snatch success from the jaws of defeat. Can you find another angle if a pitch isn’t resonating? Or a new way to communicate a story if a press release isn’t an option? And with so many vying deadlines, you will need to continually re-write your priority list. We’re much more flexible than we sometimes realize; take a deep breath and, as you breathe out, soften into the pose, and look for a different way to achieve your objective.
4. Child’s pose
The ultimate rest pose where you can return to the breath. With PR, you are always on the go but it’s important to take some time to regroup and stand back to ensure your activities fully align with your sales and marketing plans.
5. Mountain pose
From a distance, mountain pose looks like you’re simply standing up straight. But carried out correctly, it is a dynamic and mindful position that strengthens the entire body. Whether it is standing and breathing, or writing a case study, it’s important to get the basics right. Be attentive in that exercise even if you’ve done it a thousand times before.
6. Tree pose
Balance is essential for yoga and PR. In your communications, you need to strike the balance between the technical detail and the business benefits. Take a step back and check whether you are focussing on all the areas that need your support.
7. Headstand
When you’re struggling with a difficult pitch or you’re in a rut, a new perspective can make all the difference. You may not need to go completely upside down but it will help to look at things from a different angle.
8. Star pose
Acro yoga is all about teamwork, just like PR. Working closely with your co-workers in an environment of trust makes us infinitely more creative and flexible. Seek your colleagues’ help and leverage each other’s strengths. The result will be much more than the sum of the parts.
9. Cobra
A wonderful chest opener, this pose gives a great stretch in the shoulders, fights fatigue and relieves lower back pain. Perfect when you’ve been sitting in front of a screen – and also exactly how to approach PR: be open to new possibilities and ready to stretch yourself, by upskilling, looking for innovative ways to do everyday tasks and more.
10. Happy baby
And last but not least, don’t forget to have fun! Find your child-like self and get together with your team to come up with new and creative ways to communicate your message. Injecting creativity into your IT comms campaign can make you stand out for all the right reasons.
So, if you’re feeling inspired to grab your yoga mat, here are a few of my favorite YouTube videos and channels:
- Yoga with Adriene has a video for however you are feeling: sore back, excited, anxious, distracted…
- Yoga with Kassandra has a brilliant playlist of 10-minute morning sessions
- Shona Vertue incorporates yoga into mobility and strength in her videos.
And if you’re feeling inspired to re-energize your PR, drop us an email!